Great Southern DX Association

General Membership Meeting

October 19, 2013


The meeting was called to order at 0808 hours by Terry, AE5RI. The location is the Garden Park Hospital in Gulfport, MS.  

Terry led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.  

Bobby, KF5BA, led the group in prayer.  

Terry let the group know that the Mozambique DXpedition has our logo on its web site after receiving the club’s donation.  

Charlie, WD5BJT, read the minutes of the September 2013 meeting. On a motion to accept the minutes by Jeff, N9OKV, seconded by George, K5JZ, brief discussion was held. The minutes were accepted.  

Ray, WQ5L, read the treasurers report. On a motion to accept the report by George, seconded by Jeff, brief discussion was held. The report was accepted.  

Old Business:  

Terry updated the group on the DX dinner to be held December 7, 2013. A dinner menu was presented. The cost per attendee is $35.00. Your menu choice must be given to Terry before December 1st.  

George reported that Ed, KA5VFU, will be going to the repeater site to repair the unit.  

Terry informed the group that the recently received bunk trailer had to be returned.  

Charlie advised the members that the power distribution panel needs an overhaul. All of the meters and circuit breakers are there, but the internal wiring needs to be replaced.  

Terry announced the upcoming Mellish Reef Dxpedition. The expedition is seeking sponsorship. Charlie reported that Ed was in agreement to sponsor the group. Ray suggested the money collected in the donation bucket be used to sponsor the expedition. All were in agreement.  

Terry let the group know the deadline for the annual DX Hawg award was November 1st. Charlie and George will inspect the logs to determine who is the Hawg for 2013.  

Bobby asked about the MESH and SET plans. Jeff provided an update.  

Ray stated that Ed and Betty Jo, KB5CSQ, agreed to host the club’s effort for the CQWW SSB contest. All club members are urged to attend.  

Mike, WM5DX, gave the QSL managers report. The club should be nearing the required 100 countries confirmed via cards and LoTW.  

Charlie reminded members to get their nominations for awards to the BOD asap.  

Terry told the members that elections were nearing for the 2014 BOD. If you have any nominations for offices, submit them to the BOD.  

Jeff will give a nomination committee report at the next meeting.  

Mike said the Chandaleur Island trip was on hold due to the shut-down of the U.S. Government.  

New Business:  

Ray announced the upcoming Junque-n-da-Trunk after the November general membership meeting. The location will be at the Hooterville contest station location.  

Charlie will update the clubs web site.  

Mike gave a report on the RMS Express.  

Terry remarked that DX openings are very good on 10 meters.  

Ray had no further updates on the ARRL 100th anniversary W1AW/5 operation.  

On a motion to adjourn by Joe, K5JB, seconded by Ray, brief discussion was held. The motion passed and the meeting was adjourned.  

Respectfully Submitted,  

Charlie Otnott




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