MAY 17, 2014


The meeting was called to order by Terry, AE5RI, at 0806 hours. The location is the Garden Park Hospital.


Terry led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.


Bobby, KF5BA, led the group in prayer.


Charlie, WD5BJT, read the minutes from the April meeting. On a motion to accept the minutes by George, K5JZ, seconded by Cecil, K5DL, the motion passed.


Ray, WQ5L, gave the treasurers report. On a motion to accept the report by Ed, KA5VFU, seconded by George, the report was accepted. Ray also reminded members that donations would be nice to defray the cost of expenses for the guests at the DX dinner.


Old Business:

Terry talked about several upcoming contests, especially the ARRL Phone DX contest.


Mike, WM5DX, talked about the Polish RTTY contest.


Terry again spoke about getting donation of money to defray speaker costs, door prizes.


Ray gave a report on the club’s W1AW/5 operation results. Charlie was accused of killing Betty Jo’s, KB5CSQs, PW-1 amplifier.


Ed dispelled rumors about the FT5ZM’s LoTW and ClubLog postings.


Terry reminded members about a 6 meter net on 50.160 Mhz at 2000 hours on Sundays. W5OPM calls the net, the web site is


Terry, N5TF, as Field Day chair, gave a report on the club’s status and readiness for the event. Ed reported the status of the horse pasture, cable fabrication, hole digging to be done, etc. The cost for other materials will be $145.00. There are antennas to be assembled, and a press release to be sent to the media.


New Business:


Ray announced the upcoming ARRL VHF contest as a warm-up for the Field Day event to be held at Hooterville two weeks before Field Day. Chris, K5MOZ, wants to do a rover operation if anyone is interested.


Ed said the call sign KA5MIT is available for the GOTA station.


Ed ordered some of the required material for the Hooterville site.


Terry Foskey announced that 6 meters has been open with DX.


Ed told members to check out the club’s web site for updates. A magazine article about Brandon, KF5NYQ is the lead article.


Terry brought up the idea of making Alex, HC2AO, an Honorary member. On a motion to make Alex, HC2AO, a Honorary member by Chris, seconded by Terry Foskey, the motion passed.


Ed wanted to set up a time to go to the Harrison County Court House to locate the source of interference to the EOC on 3.862Mhz. No decision was reached.


Ed reported on the local D-Star repeater. The responsibility for the system needs assistance per Ray, K5XXV. On a motion to accept responsibility for the local D-Star system by Bobby, seconded by Cecil, the motion was passed.


There being no further business, on a motion to adjourn by Bobby, seconded by Chris, the meeting was adjourned.


Respectfully Submitted:

Charlie Otnott




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