Great Southern DX Association

General Membership Meeting

September 24, 2014



The meeting was called to order by Terry, AE5RI, at 8.00am at the Garden Park Hospital. 


The Pledge of Allegiance was observed and prayer was given by Bobby, KF5BA.


WD5BJT, Charlie and WQ5L were absent due to prior commitments.


Minutes of the July and August meetings were read and motions made to accept both by George, K5JZ, seconded by Cecil K5DL.


Two visitors were introduced, N4SDB, Danny Bush, and KG5AFG Alex. Motion to accept Danny Bush as a new member made by Ed, KA5VFU, seconded by Mark, W5MDX was carried unanimously. 


Discussion held on the Tax Exempt status, Terry AE5RI confirmed that our application had been sent, with the $400 application fee. Mike, WM5DX, briefed the members on the breakdown of the areas of the budget that had been used to fund the application.


Old Business:


Ed, KA5VFU, confirmed that the Baptist Association had approved K5GDX taking over the operation of the D Star repeater at McHenry. There may be a damaged feed line, Cecil K5DL said that he could sweep to check that.


Mike, WM5DX, reported on the results of the SP RTTY DX contest that was held during the Clubs spring picnic event. In our category the top 8 places were taken by European stations, (to be expected), the 9th place was N5BJ with 1,628,436 points and K5GDX came 10th with a score of 1,624,344 points. The next closest North American station scored 611,040 points.


New Business: 


Terry, AE5RI reminded that the W1AW/5 event would be coming up again in November.


Mike, WM5DX, gave details of the fall picnic, to coincide with the Oceania SSB DX contest, on 4th October.


Ed, KA5VFU, reminded that nominations for officers were needed, elections to be held soon, and also log submittals for awards.


Terry, N5TF, reported that the CQ WW RTTY contest was coming up next weekend and if two more members would operate the club could enter a K5GDX log. 


Terry, N5TF commented that we should be thinking about preparing Hooterville for the upcoming 160 meter contest.


David Norris, K5VZ, has applied for Support Membership and Ray Novac, N9JA for Honorary Membership. Motion to accept both made by Cecil, K5DL, seconded by Bobby, AE5RI, was carried.


A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Bobby, KF5BA seconded by Bob, WB8BIE, and the meeting closed at 9.02 am.



Mike Streeter, WM5DX

Acting Secretary








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