The Great Southern DX Association

General Membership Meeting

June 21, 2014


The meeting was called to order by Terry, AE5RI, at 080r hours. The location is the Garden Park Hospital in Gulfport, MS.


Terry led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.


Terry, N5TF, led the group in prayer.


Terry acknowledged visitors to the meeting.


Charlie WD5BJT, read the minutes of the May, 2014 meeting. On a motion to accept the minutes by George, K5JZ, seconded by Cecil, K5DL, brief discussion was held. The motion passed.


Ray, WQ5L, read the treasurers report. On a motion to accept the report by Cecil, seconded by George, brief discussion was held. The motion passed.


Old Business:


Terry gave thanks to the Field Day crew. Special thanks to Mark, W5MDX, for catching the drunk chicken that was running around the pool. The chicken was very tasty. There will be a work party at Hooterville after the meeting. Terry, N5TF, has a list of items that need to be accomplished the Friday before Field Day per the new contest rules.


Terry presented the clubs award for the CQ WW DX Contest for 1st place SSB Multi two 5th call area in 2013. Also Terry presented the ARRL 2013 June VHF Contest 1st place multi op Mississippi Section award.


Ed, KA5VFU, reported on the D-Star repeater item. The Baptist Association was contacted and advised the club would assume responsibility for the repeater system. There would be DX nets, emergency use, etc., on the system. The Baptist Association would be responsible for funding and replacement of failed equipment. So far no return reply has been received.


Jeff, N9OKV, reported on the on going RF noise at the County EOC. He played a sample recording of the noise. Several opinions were offered as to the source. Ed and Cecil will make a trip to the court house to locate the source.


Terry reported that George has sent Alex, HC2AO, a club ball hat and membership certificate.


Charlie announced that the club’s Field Day site has been placed on the ARRL Field Day internet locator site. Ray reported a computer monitor failure, Terry, N5TF, needs a CAT-5 cable for computer linking at Hooterville. Jeff stated that some clubs use a card system to manually control and prevent transmit problems by band/mode. If you have the card, then you control the particular radio/mode during transmit times to prevent duplicate radio/band/mode operation.

Betty Jo, KB5CSQ, announced that Terry, N5TF’s, son Norman caught the biggest fish (possibly a state record) in his category during a recent tournament.


New Business:


Ray gave a report on the club’s recent June VHF contest claimed score/results. Things are looking good for the club’s effort to take 1st place in the category entered.


Charlie told the club that he updated the ARRL club affiliation and annual report. The updates are on the ARRL’s affiliated clubs web site.


Charlie showed the club his FT5ZM Amsterdam Island QSL card and advised all to keep a close eye on their mail boxes.


On a motion to adjourn by Bobby, KF5BA, seconded by Chris, K5MOZ, brief discussion was held. The meeting was adjourned.


Respectfully Submitted,

Charlie Otnott




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