2012 Club Meeting Minutes


Great Southern DX Association

General Membership Meeting

October 20, 2012


The meeting was called to order, under Robert’s Rules of Order, by Travis, K5QJ, at 0800 hours. The location is the Garden Park Hospital, Gulfport, MS.

Travis led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.

Ed, KA5VFU, led the group in prayer.

Ray, WQ5L, gave the Treasurer’s report. On a motion to accept by Bobby, KF5BA, seconded by George, K5JZ, brief discussion was held. The motion passed.

Charlie, WD5BJT, read the minutes of the September meeting with thanks to Terry, AE5RI, for stepping up as acting Secretary. On a motion to accept by George, seconded by Cecil, K5DL, brief discussion was held. The motion passed.

Old Business:

Travis gave the report of the Nomination Committee: The sitting Board of Directors agreed to serve another term. Travis opened the floor to nominations. On a motion to close nominations and cast a vote by acclimation to elect the sitting BOD for a new term by George, seconded by Steve, KC5VQF, brief discussion was held. The motion passed.

Ed, KA5VFU, presented a proposal for club shirts. Discussion was held as a sample was shown to the group. Ed will take orders for the shirts.

Ray gave a rundown of upcoming contests. 

Mike, WM5DX, talked about some of the problems the incoming QSL bureau is having.

George gave a presentation about the upcoming DX dinner. An email with venue photographs will be sent to members. Betty Jo, KB5CSQ, agreed to sell dinner tickets. 

New Business:

On a motion to purchase 60 shirts by Bobby, seconded by George, brief discussion was held. The motion passed.

Charlie reminded the group about upcoming awards, especially the DX Hawg award. The group decided that the cutoff date for log submissions was determined to be October 31st. Ed, Terry, and Travis will take nominations for DXer of the year, and Member of the year. 

On a motion to create a DX-250/DX-300 award by Mike, seconded by George, brief discussion was held. The motion passed. Further details will be given at a later date.

Charlie noted that the club’s check to sponsor the upcoming PTØS DXpedition has cleared the bank, but the club’s logo has not appeared on the expeditions’ web site. Charlie will investigate what happened and report back. 

George gave a summary of upcoming DXpeditions.

Jeff, N9OKV, gave a report on activity at the Harrison County’s EOC. The group gave Jeff accolades for his work and dedication to the citizen of the county. 

Ed announced the first-annual Junque N Da Trunk to be held at the Hooterville contest station location on November 17 immediately following the club meeting. A tent will be set up, and hot dogs and hamburgers will be served.

Ray wants the club to purchase a projector. Discussion was held, and it was determined that a large digital projection screen would be a more suitable purchase. On a motion to have BOD investigate and purchase a suitable screen by Steve, seconded by Ed, brief discussion was held. The motion passed. 

Betty Jo gave a report of the number of raffle tickets that were sold. It was reported that the IC7600 was now paid for. The raffle would be held at the DX Dinner in December.

Terry showed a video on the 5A5A Dxpedition. 

Travis announced that Charlie is now a certified QSL Card checker to include 160 Meter band cards.

On a motion to adjourn by Terry, seconded by Ray, brief discussion was held. The meeting was adjourned. 

Respectfully Submitted,

Charlie Otnott





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Great Southern DX Association

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