2012 Club Meeting Minutes


Great Southern DX Association

General Membership Meeting

June 16, 2012


The meeting was called to order, under Robert’s Rules of Order, by President, Travis, K5QJ at 0810 hours. The location is the GardenParkHospital, in Gulfport, MS.

Travis led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.

 Ed, KA5VFU, led the group in prayer.

 Charlie read the minutes of the May, 2012 meeting. On a motion to accept the minutes as read, by George, K5JZ, seconded by Cecil, K5DL, brief discussion was held, The motion carried.

 Ray, WQ5L, gave the treasurers report. On a motion to accept the report as read, by George, seconded by Terry, N5TF, brief discussion was held. The motion carried.

 Committee Reports:

Membership – Charlie reports that the clubs check and application for ARRL membership was sent to the League.

Field Day –     Terry, AE5RI, gave his report, and announced that there would be a work party at the Hooterville Contest Station’s location. Travis reported the need to replace the reefer in the operations trailer. Ed reports a suitable replacement would cost $399.00 less a 10% discount for a total cost of $378.00. Ray reports the club has a line item to cover equipment expenses of $167.00. Donations would be sought to cover the remaining cost. The donation bucket was passed with a total of $220.00 toward the purchase of the reefer was realized.

Travis acknowledged David, KE5ZOP as a visitor.

 Old Business:

Mike, WM5DX, showed the group the new QSL card for the club. There is a need to put Mike’s information on the club’s QRZ.com site.

Ed, said that members, and non members are pleased with the look and ease of navigation on the club’s web site.

George reported raffle ticket sales are at 104. Travis reported he is reaching out to the local clubs to assist in ticket sales. Other ideas for boosting ticket sales were presented.

New Business:

Ed brought up the idea of purchasing a surplus remote broadcast van. The van contains equipment for remote broadcasting of television events. The van includes a pneumatic mast. A $1,000.00 retainer would be required. Further information will be obtained well before the deadline for submission. The van may be received as a donation to the club.

On a motion to purchase/obtain the remote broadcast van as necessary, and to have the BOD send correspondence to the van’s owner indicating our interest, by Ed, seconded by Mike, brief discussion was held. The motion carried.

Ed gave accolades to Jeff, N9OKV, for holding a very successful Simulated Emergency Test at the Harrison County E.O.C. last month.

On a motion to adjourn by Vic, N5YY, seconded by Bobby, KF5BA, brief discussion was held. The motion carried.

Respectfully Submitted,

Charlie Otnott





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