2012 Club Meeting Minutes

Great Southern DX Association

General Membership Meeting

March 17, 2012


The meeting was called to order by Travis, K5QJ, at 0800. The location is the Garden Park Hospital in Gulfport, MS.

Travis led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.

Ed, KA5VFU, led the group in a prayer.

Travis advised the group to renew membership and pay dues.

Travis introduced “Hootie – the owl” as the club’s mascot.

Travis gave accolades to the group who participated in the 2012 CQ WW 160 SSB contest.

Ed presented the club’s web site with a real-time on line demonstration. Cecil, K5DL, wants to have members’ telephone numbers and email addresses be hidden from the general public, available to club members via a password/log in system. There is general agreement to this suggestion. Ed, Chris, K5MOZ, and Charlie will research how to do this.

Ray, WQ5L, gave the treasurer’s report. 51 raffle tickets have been sold. A motion to accept the report by Ed, seconded by Bob, WB8BIE, brief discussion was held. The report was accepted.


Travis asked for a volunteer to be the club’s QSL manager. Mike, WM5DX, stepped up and will handle this important position.

Travis asked members to continue to sell raffle tickets for the IC-7600. George, K5JZ, suggested sending an email to other clubs to encourage ticket sales.

Ray presented the CQ WW 160 SSB contest results. The club did extremely well.

Travis suggested a letter of thanks be sent to Ray Novak, K9JA, of Icom for the loan of an IC-7700 for the 160 contest. Betty Jo, KB5CSQ, has a card of thanks for Brad Sigworth for the donation of two tanks of helium for the 160 contest for all to sign. Ed needs help to clean the operations trailer.

Ed gave accolades to Terry, AE5RI, for finishing his first Technician exam class as an instructor.

Ray gave an upcoming contest run down.


Jeff, N9OKV, announced a Simulated Emergency Test scheduled for May 30, 2012 and encouraged all to participate.

Ed, as Assistant Delta Division Director, reported on ARRL QSL card checking changes, VE testing, and reminding all he will forward all inquiries to the League.

Mike reported on pending legislation in the US Congress called the Payroll Tax Bill. This bill contains a provision directing the FCC to survey Amateur Radio Operators with regard to how local laws/ordinances/CC&Rs impact operations.

Terry presented the club’s CQ WW 160 SSB contest operations via a slide show and commentary.

Travis reported the refrigerator in the operations trailer is inoperative and members need to seek a suitable replacement.

Mike has a VHS video about the last VP8 operation that he wants to dub to CD/DVD. Bobby, KF5BA, agreed to help with this project. The video will be shown at a later club meeting.

On a motion to adjourn by Chris, K5MOZ, seconded by Cecil, brief discussion was held. The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted:

Charlie Otnott




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