2012 Club Meeting Minutes


Great Southern DX Association

General Membership Meeting

February 19, 2012


The meeting was called to order by Terry, AE5RI at 0808 hours. The meeting location is The Garden Park Hospital located in Gulfport, MS.

 Ed, KA5VFU, led the group in prayer.

 Terry, AE5RI, led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.

 Visitors: Robert C Gaudet, W5RCG, Noel F Dastugue, KF5LBK, Glen E Craft, N5RQW.

 Charlie, WD5BJT, read the minutes of the January 2012 meeting. On a motion to accept the minutes by Betty Jo, KB5CSQ, seconded by Bobby, KF5BA, brief discussion was held, a vote to accept the minutes was cast.

 Ray, WQ5L, gave the treasurers report. On a motion to accept the report by Joe, K5JB, seconded by Mark, W5MDX, brief discussion was held, a vote to accept the minutes was cast.


Charlie reported on the club’s ARRL affiliation. The club is affiliated, but not listed on the ARRL web site. Charlie stated the ARRL has continuing problems keeping the various lists and services updated. Charlie will continue to efforts to have the club listed on the ARRL web site.

 Betty Jo reported problems at the ARRL DXCC desk, after a discussion, Ed, will bring this issue to the attention of the ARRL Executive Committee.

 Terry, AE5RI, gave a progress report on the upcoming CQ WW 160 SSB contest. The balloon antenna will be set up on Friday. If there is rain, those who will attend are asked to use the East driveway. Betty Jo suggested that a Power Point presentation be put together for a future club meeting topic. Operators are needed. Icom has donated the use of an IC-7700 for the event.

 Ray, reported that the club’s web site reconstruction project is making progress. QTH.com will host the new site, The site is ready to begin construction. Chris, K5MOZ, has agreed to transfer the old site to the new provider. Ed, has stepped up to be webmaster. Website construction will be a group effort. A get-together will be held at Ed’s home to start the process.


 Ed, reminds all members to sell raffle tickets for the IC-7600.

 Ed, reported the plans are being made for a DXpedition trip to an as yet to be disclosed island. The time frame for the expedition is February 2013. Terry Foskey, N5TF, stated the cost per person should be approximately $1,500.

 Bobby told the group that the Mississippi Coast ARA BOD has decided to operate the upcoming 160 SSB contest on their own.

 George, K5JZ, stated the club should have more meeting programs. He suggested the STØR video, the upcoming HKØNA video. Heard Island expedition has been cancelled. A group is planning a Spratley Island expedition. Have the Power Point presentation for the groups’ CQ WW 160 SSB contest. Ed stated he has some videos to present.

 Charlie wanted to know if the club would continue the annual DX hog competition. There was agreement that the club should continue the competition.

 Terry, AE5RI, apologized for not having a program for the meeting. He would have a presentation on the 160 contest for next month.

 Charlie reported that Malcolm, W5XX , publically stated he would soundly trounce the club’s secretary on 160 meters to work the C21, Naru Island operation. Malcolm was told by Charlie that he would defend his and the clubs honor. A review of the C21’s on-line log shows a QSO on 160 meters for Charlie, but no QSO for Malcolm.

 Jeff, N9OKV, wanted to know if the club will participate in the 2012 ARRL Field Day event. The club agreed to participate, and would ask the Magnolia DX Association to co-host the event. Ed stated the event would be open to anyone. Ed, will try to have ICOM donate the use of equipment. Terry, AE5RI agreed to be chairperson.

 Jeff delivered a message to the group from club president Travis, K5QJ. Travis states he forgot to set his alarm clock to wake up to attend the meeting.

 There being no further business, on a motion to adjourn by Ed, seconded by George, brief discussion was held, a vote to adjourn was cast.

 Respectfully Submitted,

Charlie Otnott




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