Field Day 2020 was a unique experience with the COVID-19 pandemic in progress. Not to be deterred, the K5GDX FD Operator Crew — WQ5L, NF4J, WD5BJT, and KM4LRH — set up one station for each operator with shower curtains between the positions as an added defense against wayward viruses. The crew racked up 1707 QSOs in class 4E. In addition, many GDX members, including WM5DX, K5DL, NA5DX, AE5MI, KF5BA, and AB5FU participated in Field Day from home stations.

The crew in action.

K5GDX score breakdown by band and mode. Conditions were great!

Danny, NF4J, brought his portable station to the K5GDX clubhouse for FD.

Charlie, WD5BJT, demonstrates his elite SO2R skills.

Ray, WQ5L, made sure all of the CAT control was working properly.

Cecil, K5DL, operated FD from home and caught a 6M opening to JA for a bonus.

Yvette, AE5MI, operated FT8 from home to the tune of 202 FD QSOs.

Bill, NA5DX, racked up 534 FD Qs in class 1B1C using this antenna.